Thursday, October 1, 2009

Praying for Daisy

I was blessed this morning by hearing this sermon about Daisy and her family. It is long, but incredibly touching and tells of God's love for us in the middle of horrible circumstances. The video is about 40 minutes long, I'd suggest watching the whole thing, but if you're crunched for time, watch the first few minutes and then the last 20.

When My Heart Is Overwhelmed from Reality on Vimeo.

Praying for Daisy. They also have a blog for updates on her condition.


Anonymous said...

Praise God for a servant who wants to LOVE God in
all things, good or "bad". Who TRUSTS God in all
things, good or "bad". Thanks for sharing this. I was
blessed and am praising God. This young servant
was saying (as I believe)God is in control of all things,
peoples, and situations. To God be the Glory!! SAV

Shasha said...

WOW... is about all I can say!! The truth of God's Word and its power in the experiences of testing has to be the only path to find peace in the midst of the storm. To say "no matter what happens to my little girl will not change my love for you God is overwhelmingly powerful"!