Thursday, November 18, 2010

11 Dozen

Cupcaking has been moving along nicely. My Thanksgiving special seems to have really taken off though! So far, I have 11 dozen pumpkin cheesecake cupcakes to deliver next Wednesday! It's the largest number of cupcakes I've had to bake at one time. It's just a pre-cursor to the 300 cupcakes I have to make for a choir concert on December 2!

Yay for cupcakes! I don't think I'll ever be sick of them.


Anonymous said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. How true and appropriate at this time of the year. I am so proud of you and your new adventure. Wow, to the Dec. order!! Love

Shasha said...

What's 300? 25 doz???? Holy cow!

momof3under12 said...

I don't know how many dozen 300 is. Thinking of it that way overwhelms me. I choose to think of it at 100 of 3 kinds. Somehow that doesn't seem to sound so bad.