Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hawaiian Sweet Rolls

A few weeks ago, my husband bought me a new bread machine. My old one fell off the counter while making bread (it's a long story!) Anyway, I've been trying new recipes and today tried this one. Can I just say, "amazing"?
The Hawaiian roll connoisseur in the house was impressed and said after the first bite, "I'm in Hawaiian roll heaven". So, go ahead. Break out your bread machine. You know that boxy thing you only bring out on special occasions? It's always a special occasions for Hawaiian sweet rolls. Just think, in 3 hours or so you could be biting into a sweet, soft pillow of yumminess. Completely worth the carbs. I promise.

1 comment:

AllyZabba said...

can you make them gluten free and still be yummy?? =)