Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thanksgiving Feast

Today was "Thanksgiving Feast" day at preschool. Zack was thrilled that Mom's, Dad's and siblings were able to come to school today too!

Parents brought in all kinds of snacks for the kids (including slices of turkey!) for them to celebrate Thanksgiving as a class. They even told their teacher what they were thankful for. Here was Zack's. At least he got his priorities straight. Mom first, then treats!

Even Josh got in on the fun. He was saying "hi" to Zippity and Oreo.

We even made a Thanksgiving wreath.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is so precious. Good memories, for sure.
Glad Zack is enjoying his prek time and learning so many good things. Like being thankful. Thanks for
sharing. You all look great!! Love "GG"