Saturday, July 24, 2010

OC Fair

Yesterday afternoon, Dave surprised us by taking us to the OC Fair. When we pulled into the parking lot, the kids started to see what they were going to get to, did the excitement rise quickly in the car!!! There are tons of pictures to post, but I had to post this one right away.

Yes, that's me and Gabby, upside down on the far right of the picture. We saw a dare devil in Gabby last night. The first time that part of her has ever surfaced. Needless to say, she and I had a blast spinning, turning and flipping upside-down!


allyzabba said...

oh my goodness. i don't know who to be more impressed of. there is not way i could have ridden that ride. i would have been throwing up! good job to both of you! looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

Looks like lots of fun. I agree with your sister's comment. Love

Jayne said...

makes my head spin to just look at it! hopin there is someone to ride those thigs with grayson when he gets older. this momma can't do it!