So, we left our home in CA on Saturday and as of Sunday night, we're in Grants, New Mexico at an RV campsite called Lavaland (from where I'm blogging right now!) Our trip started out a bit bumpy to say the least. As we started into Thousand Palms, we noticed one of the trailer wheels was smoking. So we pulled over at Agua Caliente Resort and Casino and low and behold, the trailer brake that we'd had replaced just 3 days before was the one that was smoking! So after about 5 calls to brake places in the area, we found one that was just closing, but would wait for us to arrive. After 45 minutes of trying all they could do, Dave decided to have them just disconnect that brake and we'd continue on to Cave Creek, AZ on 3 trailer brakes instead of 4.
We pulled into my college girlfriends house at about 12:45am on Sunday morning to find that there wasn't enough amps in the plug on the side of their house to power up the air conditioner in the trailer. No big deal, right? We'll it was 115 out! No way we could stay in the trailer as planned. So, luckily she'd left the side door to the house open and we tip-toed in, with kids, blankets, friends and whatever else we'd need for the night and crashed on their floor.
We woke this morning, after only 4 hours of sleep to giggling kids. Memory makers, right?
Our trip today has been pretty uneventful, with the exception of the huge thunder and lightening storm that hit just as we pulled into Lavaland. We ended up sitting in the car for almost 30 minutes while it poured, flashed and banged all around us. Needless to say, Zack and Josh were not impressed. When it finally slowed enough for us to jump from the car to the trailer, Zack said, "Mommy, I'm never going outside ever again". Somehow I don't believe that for a second.
Pictures are coming. I'm so exhausted, I didn't have it in me to download the pictures. But if you're watching Facebook, you'll get the play by play, including pictures.
The goal for tomorrow is to make it all the way through New Mexico! We'll see how we do.